January 10, 2021

Jesus the Storyteller: Parables

Preacher: Joe Walser Series: Jesus The Storyteller Scripture: Matthew 13:14–17

Our goal in the series: For you to have more...
- Matthew 13:12a

1.) What is the Subject of parables?
2.) What is the Purpose of parables?
3.) How do they Work?

Question: What is the gospel according to Jesus?
- Matthew 4:16-17
- Mark 1:15
- Luke 8:1
- Acts 1:3
- Acts 28:30-31
Gospel (good news): God has done all that is needed to be done in the work of the Son so that by faith we are ushered into His Kingdom (it is "within our grasp") where His rule is exercised by the power of the Spirit. The Kingdom is where He is joyfully worshipped, obeyed, and enjoyed among His people.
- Matthew 12:22-24
- Matthew 12:46-49
- Matthew 13:24
- Matthew 13:31
- Matthew 13:33
Parable: A story that uses indirect communication to subversively dismantle our wrong values and understanding of the Kingdom and changes the way we view the world (His Kingdom).

"Direct communication is important for conveying information but learning is more than information intake, especially if the learner is someone who already thinks they understand. People entrenched in their current understanding set their defenses against direct communication, and end up conforming the message into the channels of their current understanding of reality. But indirect communication find a way in through the back window to confront a person's view of reality.... A parable's ultimate aim is to draw in the listener to awaken insight, to stimulate the conscience, and move to action. Jesus' parables....are prophetic instruments....used to get God's people to stop, reconsider their way of viewing reality, and to change their behavior." - Klyne Snodgrass, Stories with Intent

Parable Killers:
1.) "I already know...."
- Matthew 13:14-15
- Matthew 13:16-17
2.) "I hope so and so is listening..."
3.) "OK...but..."

other sermons in this series

Apr 4


Jesus The Storyteller: Easter Matters

Preacher: Joe Walser Scripture: Luke 14:15–23 Series: Jesus The Storyteller

Mar 28


Jesus The Storyteller: The Conversation

Preacher: Jeff Walser Scripture: Luke 19:28–44 Series: Jesus The Storyteller

Mar 21


Jesus The Storyteller: Priests and Prostitues

Preacher: Scott Ertel Scripture: Matthew 21:28–32 Series: Jesus The Storyteller